
Les raisons profondes de la pauvreté chronique en Haïti

Haiti code postal

Haïti est l’une des nations les plus pauvres du monde, et il y a plusieurs raisons pour lesquelles le pays est confronté à une pauvreté chronique. Tout d’abord, Haïti est confronté à des problèmes économiques sévères. Le pays est très peu industrialisé, et la plupart de sa population travaille dans …

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Before 18 november, secret meeting opposition with government

Met sak t pale Ces derniers jours, haiti government try de faire bouchée double sur les reseaux sociaux pour essayer de destabiliser la majorité du peuple haitien qui ne jure que par la demission de Jovenel moise a la tete du pouvoir, accusé de detournement de fonds petro caribe, de …

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Haiti code postal

Haiti code postal

  Le saviez-vous? HAITI, Code postal par départements et communes Département de l’Artibonite HT4110 :GonaivesHT4111 : Petite Rivière de l’ArtiboniteHT4120 : EnneryHT4130 : L’EstèreHT4210 : Gros MorneHT4220 : Terre NeuveHT4230 : Anse RougeHT4231 : Sources ChaudesHT4310 : Saint MarcHT4311 : MontrouisHT4320 :VerrettesHT4321 : DésarmesHT4322 : DeschapellesHT4323 : LiancourtHT4410 : Dessalines …

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Top 10 Best NBA Players Halloween Costumes 2017

halloween costumes halloween costume halloween 2017 halloween ideas halloween spirit spirit halloween 2016 halloween party halloween costume ideas halloween makeup halloween store halloween movie halloween movies google halloween halloween city diy halloween disfraces halloween disfraces halloween pumpkin halloween decorations madea halloween halloween costumes ideas disney halloween happy halloween halloween horror …

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Moïse Jean Charles devrait sacrifier un de ses plus proche ou il perdra sa vie, selon l’Ougan Foulano

Aujourd’hui 31 Octobre 2017, justement a deux jours avant la celebration de la Fete Gede (fet gede) le 2 Novembre 2017. L’Ougan Foulano assure que Moïse Jean Charles devrait sacrifier un de ses plus proche durant cette Gede avec un ultimatum jusqu’a le 3 Novembre 2017. L’etat du Senateur Moïse Jean …

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A productive meeting between President Jovenel Moïse and Cardinal Chibly Langlois

‘. Port-au-Prince, Thursday, October 19, 2017-The Leader of the Republic, His Excellency Mr. Jovenel Moïse, with the point of advancing the Sectoral General Bequests, one of the primary needs of his five-year term, which intend to make an atmosphere of security in the nation to progress on the way of …

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The winners of the official examinations for the school year 2016-2017 honored by the President of the Republic

The Head of State announces that the government will take care of the laureates of the final classes  Port-au-Prince, Tuesday, September 26, 201.- The President of the Republic, His Excellency Jovenel Moïse, on Tuesday, 26 September, accompanied by Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant, awarded prizes to the laureates of the …

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Haiti: The President of the Republic meets with the Episcopal Conference of Haiti

Port-au-Prince, Wednesday, September 27, 2017: The President of the Republic, His Excellency Jovenel Moïse, met on Wednesday 27 September 2017 with the Episcopal Conference of Haiti in the framework of the ongoing dialogue with the sectors vital to Haitian society.  The Head of State discussed with the representatives of the …

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Laying the foundation stone for the construction of a third center of germplasm and plant propagation by the President

Laying the foundation stone for the construction of a third center of germplasm and plant propagation by the Presidentmmm…  Port-au-Prince, Saturday, September 30, 2017: The President of the Republic, His Excellency Jovenel Moïse, accompanied by the Minister of Environment Pierre Simon Georges and the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development (MARNDR), …

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Haiti Countrysides