
Haiti: The Head of State attends the opening ceremony of the judicial year 2017-18

Port-au-Prince, October 2, 2017.- The President of the Republic, His Excellency Jovenel Moïse, accompanied by the Prime Minister, Jack Guy Lafontant, attended the opening of the judicial year 2017-18. The ceremony was presided over by Mr. Jules Cantave, President of the Court of Cassation, in the presence of several members …

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Italy: Pregnant nuns in Milan after welcoming migrants

Serving in the Lord’s house, these nine sisters of a Milanese convent certainly did not expect to get pregnant after giving refuge to migrants. In July 2017, five migrants struck at the door of a convent in Milan asking for asylum, which naturally was granted to them. Mm.. However, six …

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Haiti Countrysides