Was Donald Trump in the military?

I was asking this question because I was wondering how a simple citizen who has never offered his life to his country can demand from others that they rise during the national anthem and be punished for their refusal to do so.

As for the answer of an anonymous person who tells me that I’m full of ****, I reply: » He who says it, is the one who is. »

No he was not. But many Presidents received deferments and hired substitutes during the Civil War, an accepted practice in the day. 
The last combat veteran in the White House was George Bush, Sr. 
Trump never served in the military, but he did go to military school. Similarly, Reagan never served in the Military, but he did make training films. Kennedy, Clinton, and Obama also never served. There is nothing in the law that requires the Commander in Chief to have served, but it was the tradition for the majority of our history.
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